In the beginning of 1980’s...

The conceptualization of the Group existence in Adamson University was led by Kuya Johnny Urcia together with some teachers and students led by Renato Ginoga.

With the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to Kuya Johnny, the name of the group was born, CHRISTUS VINCIT meaning Christ Conquers!

The first life in the Spirit Seminar was given by Bagwis ng Panginoon where Kuya Johnny was a member. The Group had grown up since then and inspired to do prayer meetings in vacant classrooms, under the trees or anywhere in the campus.

The course of CV history was change when the group won the grand price for rendering the song “You Are Near” at the Canticle Contest. Bro. Milo Cuarentas arranged the song with Sis. Evie Diaz. It was then that the Group was formally recognized as a religious organization in the Campus with the help of Fr Frank Vargas, who was Dean of Student Affairs at that time.

The group encountered a problem when most of the pioneers and leaders were about to graduate. What was left was the second batch that were not “ready yet” to take the leadership.

Kuya Johnny as the adviser of the Group led in prayer meetings. Surprisingly, Jun Clarito started to led the Group. Then came to lead us by Bro. Arnie, Bro. Ernie, Fr. Boy and Bro. Gigi.

The Group was full of spirit and inspiration to serve the Lord, The Group went to various places to hold prayer meetings like in the squatters area, PGH, Bro. Marius’ place, Penafrancia of Pandacan, San Felipe Neri of Mandaluyung, as far as Pakil, Laguna at Bro. Roy’s place.

In Pakil, Laguna where another prayer group was established, the CHRISTUS REGNAT. At this time of strong evangelical desire and spirit filled enthusiasm to server the Lord, many brothers and sisters accepted the call to lead a Religious Life.

After Edsa Revolution and years of existence, some leaders of the Group led by Bro. Gigi and Undergrad Elders met and formed the CV Young Professionals group.

And the PADAYON quest was created. The Padayon was an attempt to unify the CV and make a comprehensive study of its identity, charism, vision and mission so that the Group could take a clearer picture in the history of the renewal and ultimately make a difference.

The quest continues.... The Group have grown hundreds of members to serve the Lord. And inspired many Adamsonians, families, friends, and all folks of life.

With countless prayer meetings, prayer rallies, apostolates & medical missions the group continues, countless faces come and go but the Group remains with the steadfast love of God.

In the mid 2000, the spirit of resurgence became more apparent. Brothers and sisters from all over the place, young and old generation of CV continue to gather more physically and/or virtually. The call to community was obvious, This time not only from the context of the school but inside and outside the University level.

The spirit has revitalized the CV leaders to step up in the service of God thru CV community. And the journey continues, St. Francis of Assisi always inspires his brothers aby these words: “Brothers and Sisters let us begin again for until now we have done nothing.”

-Transcript of CV history based on Bro. Norie Sabayan’s account